What is Logical DOC? How Logical DOC Works?

 Today in this post we will know about, What is Logical DOC? or What is it good for? File Management, Project Management, Planning, Alerting, Reminders, Visualizing, Logging, and more.

Logical DOC is a simple yet powerful solution to our core problem of managing our information. Logical DOC can bring our organization the benefits of automation and agility. When used alongside of the full-featured APM tools, it can eliminate downtime, errors, and silos from managing an organization. And by being totally integrated into Team Foundation Server, Team Foundation Server clients such as Invision, Synergy, and more, Logical DOC provides the ability to centrally manage and monitor a large variety of related systems.

What is Logical DOC?

How it Works

Logical DOC integrates with the Microsoft Project dashboard, making it easy to find the files you need to work on. When you click a file, you see a hyperlink to the file location. To open the file you must click on that link. If you click on a link to a file that already exists, a copy of the file is opened up in the default file system location and the link is closed.

Logical DOC simplifies our dependency on the file system, eliminating delays caused by bad file paths or cloud data center hiccups. By keeping all your files in one place, all you need to do is launch the system and your data is immediately accessible to you.

Even better, when you have a large project in progress, or you need to find a file you created days ago, you can save a copy of the file to a temporary location, which is then added to your project list and renamed to match your project name. The file is available as soon as you need it.

When it is time to share the files or move them to a permanent location, you can use the same linking functionality to share the files you want. If you create a link to a file using a Macromedia (Flash) file, you can use a simple text file to do the same thing.

When all you want to do is grab a file that is on a thumb drive, you can easily use the same hyperlinks to make that happen.

When it comes time to notify people, Logical DOC provides the ability to create a link to a pre-configured list of people who should be informed about a certain item. These names can be added or removed dynamically as needed.

When it comes to version control, Logical DOC integrates with Microsoft Team Foundation Server. If you use TFS, simply create a new revision with a link, and your team will immediately be notified.

To track changes and distribute revisions, you can create links to the default shared folders.

For those who need access to the file, you can create links directly from the Windows File Explorer. And because files are simply selected as thumbnails, you can quickly open a file from the File Explorer without any problem.

Every file management issue can be solved with a few clicks. Logical DOC will automate and simplify every task related to file management. And when we say that Logical DOC can work for a wide variety of organizations, that is no exaggeration.

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