Know About SQL Tuning | SQL Tuned Online

Learn SQL Tuning for SQL Query Optimization

 1. SQL Tuned 

SQL tuning is the process of optimizing the performance of SQL statements. In order to do this, we need to understand how SQL works under the hood. There are many different types of databases out there, each with their own set of features and capabilities. SQL is designed to work across all database platforms. It is a type of language which is interact with databases.

2. Database Engine

A database engine is what actually executes the SQL commands. There are two major types of database engines: Relational Databases (RDBMS) and NoSQL Databases. RDBMS full form is Relational Database Management System. They store data in tables that are organized in rows and columns. Each row represents a single record and each column holds information about a specific attribute of that record. A table may have hundreds of thousands of records.

3. SQL Statements

An SQL statement is a command that tells the database engine what action to take. An example of an SQL statement would be SELECT * FROM users WHERE username ‘joe’. This statement tells the database engine to select all records from the users table where the username field equals joe.

4. Indexes

Indexes are used to improve the speed at which queries run. They allow us to find records faster than if we were to search through the entire table. When we create an index, we specify which fields should be included in the index. We then add these fields to the end of our query. So instead of searching through the whole table, we only look at the indexed fields.

5. Query Optimization

Query optimization is the process of making sure that our queries are executed efficiently. This means that they don’t use unnecessary resources. One way to optimize a query is to make sure that we only retrieve the data we need. Another way to optimize a query would be to make sure that we’re using indexes correctly. If we’re not using them properly, we could be retrieving unnecessary data.

6. Explain Plan

Explain plans are generated by the database engine after executing a query. They show us exactly what steps the database took to execute the query. They tell us how much time was spent on each step and whether any indexes were used.

7. Execution Plans

Execution plans are visual representations of explain plans. They show us the steps taken by the database engine to execute a particular query. They also show us the amount of time it took to complete each step.


Both the SQLite file format and the database server are big open-source projects which is good to check out. If you want to look under the hood, it is fairly simple to do. A few dozen lines of text, big SQL statements, .exe, or cmd lines are needed to inspect the inversion replace implementation, which is just a shell function.

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