Top 3 Myths Related to Software Testing

Top 3 Myths Related to Software Testing

The profitability and
popularity of any software application is determined by the user experience
offered by it. The latter depends upon its functionality, accessibility, security,
usability and performance across different platforms and devices. Therefore,
enterprises are suggested by the industry experts to focus on user experience
and quality of their applications across software development lifecycle. 
Formal strategy in
software testing is implemented by majority of the organizations these days to
come up with superior quality software application. Moreover, the software is
tested under real conditions and continuously. Unfortunately, the significance and
the benefits offered by software testing during the development stage are not
realized by few entrepreneurs. They are found to be skeptical with regards to
the benefits derived from software testing and tend to believe in those myths. 
Top Common Myths in Software Testing

common software testing myths decoded
Higher software development costs
involved in testing:
Skill testers are to be hired and robust and the latest
automation tools invested in for evaluating comprehensively software quality. Hence,
few entrepreneurs are of the opinion that there will be involved higher
development costs. It is possible to enjoy cost effective software testing. For
reducing cost and time, one can choose free automation test tools and open
source based tools. Moreover, the testing results will offer generation of
revenue with the launch of superior quality applications, while helping to
avoid correction and maintenance costs. 
Time to market increased by testing: While
developing any new software application, different ways are explored by
organizations to reduce marketing time to lead in competition. Effort and time
will need to be put by the Quality Analysis professionals to evaluate quality
of the software application under different conditions and as per predefined
requirements. Hence, some entrepreneurs are of the opinion that time to market
the product increases significantly due to the continuous testing process. According
to the experts, every organization has various options to use for elaborately
test its software application without actually increasing on time to market. Testing
time can also be reduced by having different testing activities automated. Agile
methodology can be implemented for seamless unification of testing and coding
Software testing is not necessary: QA
professionals are to be employed for evaluate software quality effectively and
thoroughly. The testing process can always be accelerated by getting the
testers and programmers to work together. Application code quality can be
further evaluated by the developers through integration and unit testing
throughout coding process. Similarly, sanity testing will be necessary to
ensure functional software as per predefined requirements. Furthermore, Agile
methodology does require unification of software testing and development
activities to ensure superior quality software applications. Project management
approach will need establishments to test their software applications
continuously by the team of experienced and certified testers and programmers.
It is the desire of
majority of the organizations to launch software applications which have the
potentiality to deliver top class user experience and generate more revenue. There
are different sources that do provide the entrepreneur with necessary
quantitative data and information for verifying such testing misconceptions and

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