Software development: Know the 4 common mistakes

Software development: Know the 4 common mistakes

With development of
technology with each passing day, and changing customer demands has only compelled
organizations of all sizes and domains to make use of this latest technology to
enjoy success. Businesses have been trying to improve its core competencies so
as to ensure its service and product offerings do have that competitive edge.
This is to meet the ever changing consumer preferences and growing needs. 
majority of the organizations plan to outsource software development to reputed
professionals located across the globe. This will help the organization to
centralize its efforts and time on core activities. Also, it is able to produce
superior quality products at short release cycles, thus ensuring customer
satisfaction and retention. When software development is concerned, it is
necessary to take the right approach, since this concept tends to involve
variety of misconceptions and age old methodologies.
Software development common mistakes

common mistakes that is to be avoided
Insufficient market research: Conducting
market research is stated to be an important element in every phase of product
lifestyle. This should range from idea validation to that of maturity. Multiple
purposes are served which includes indentifying the needs, to set up price, determine
product specification, etc. With proper market research, it becomes possible to
unfold all potential opportunities present to develop new products and to
upgrade the existing products. When taking into consideration the costs
involved in innovation, research and development and commercialization, higher
ROI is offered by market research.
Prefer customization of existing product
over development from scratch:
Customization of existing products is preferred
by many organizations over development of new ones. This is to reduce costs and
to meet quick time-to-market. But trying to improve any existing product will
only make them lag back in today’s highly tech-competent world. But aspects
such as identification of reusable elements, opportunities to reuse and adapt
them for catering to the specific current requirements will only cost higher
when compared to creating something from scratch. Developing new products may
prove to be a cheaper and time saving option as compared to customization. 
Commence product development but without
appropriate viability analysis:
There are many organizations that are noticed
to develop products just after defining their customer requirement. They may
probably not have validated the project’s market feasibility.  Different sectors are generally included in
viability analysis, which includes cost analysis, market acceptance, market
penetration, etc. The product’s testing feasibility is evaluated by these
factors to eliminate losses and improve chances of success. 
Improper coordination between product
marketing and product development:
It is necessary for the development team and
product marketing department to have proper synchronization between them. This
will ensure that developed product is the desired one’s perfect replica.
Moreover, coordination between product development activities and marketing
functions is likely to assist the organization to develop products according to
market and user needs. 

By taking into consideration the above
possibilities, the organization will be only choosing the wrong path and go on
to promote seamless software development process. This will only decrease opportunities
and deviate fully
from development strategy.

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