Before Feeling Embarrassed, Delete your Porn Search History
Do you regularly search adult things? If you leave the history as it is, there is a risk of being embarrassed to be seen by other people, and it will also be a factor that makes your computer or smartphone slow.
By reading this article, you will be able to delete the history smoothly, and you will not have to worry about seeing the history around you, so please refer to it.
Have you ever been embarrassed to see your search history on your smartphone or computer? Also, I have never been surprised or disgusted by looking at the search history of others.
Search history can be seen by others, so care must be taken in managing it. Be careful of both, especially if you are syncing your smartphone with your computer.
How to Delete Adult Search History?
Have you ever seen a little adult search history? It’s okay if it’s seen by someone who can talk about anything, but it’s the worst if it’s seen by someone who doesn’t.
Delete Internet History Online
Delete Adult Porn History from Smartphone Settings
It is also possible to delete various history data such as browser search history, download history, call history, etc. from the smartphone settings. For example, here’s how to delete your iPhone (Safari) browsing history and search history.
■ How to Delete Safari Browsing History?
Open Safari on the home screen and select “History” from bookmarks
Tap “Erase” at the bottom right of the screen and select the deletion range from “Last 1 hour”, “Today”, “Today and yesterday”, and “All” to complete the deletion.
■ How to Delete Safari Search History?
Open “Settings” on the home screen
Select “Safari” from the menu
You can delete the search history by selecting “Clear history and website data”.
You can also delete it directly with a search engine you have set up, such as Google or Yahoo.
Delete Adult Porn History Using the Dedicated App
You can easily delete the history of iPhone and Android by using the cleaner app and optimization tool. Some apps are provided free of charge, so there is no cost.
If you download one of these apps to your smartphone, you can delete not only the search history but also the download history, call history, SMS history, app cache, etc.
You can delete it from your smartphone settings, but it’s easier to delete it using the app, and it’s easier to manage your smartphone’s capacity.