How to Delete Badoo Account Permanently?

                         How to Cancel Badoo Profile Forever

Do you want to delete your Badoo account profile? Badoo
is a social network where you can keep in touch with old friends or
find new ones. Badoo is a dating-focused social platform is
available for free on iOS, Android, and web. It is a dating-focused site
operating in more countries with its headquarters set up in Soho,
London. Maybe you’re not visiting the site as much as you used to
because you don’t have time, lost interest, or maybe you’re just tired
of messing around with social networks in general. Whatever be the
reason for your lack of motivation, you can bid goodbye to this social
networking site in just a few simple and easy steps. You’re about to say
goodbye to all Badoo notifications and annoying promotional emails.

Delete Cancel Badoo Account Profile

Delete Internet History Online

Do you want to unsubscribe from Badoo and decided to delete Badoo account forever?
Below given step-by step guide on how to cancel your badoo account profile:

Delete Badoo Account on Browser/ PC

Sign into your Badoo account
Visit on this link
Enter your login details
Tap on profile on the top left hand corner
Click Settings in the top right hand corner
Scrolling down to Delete Profile
Select Reasons for Leaving
Click on ‘OK, I am ready. Delete My Profile’
Your account will be deactivated.

Delete Badoo Cancel On  iPhone

Find the settings section on your iPhone or iPad.
Click the “”View Apple ID” link and enter your password.
Scroll to the bottom to view all the subscriptions you have.
Click the manage button.
Select the option to cancel your membership.

Delete Badoo Account on Android

Go to you phone home screen
Click on the Badoo app
Login to your badoo acount
Click on the Setting option(upper right corner)
Scroll down to find account delete
Click on the ‘DELETE PROFILE‘
Select the option Delete your account
Tap to Continue to confirm the cancellation

Badoo leaves you a margin of 30 days with the account disabled before
proceeding to complete elimination. If you want reactivate you can do it by entering login deatails witin 30 days, otherwise badoo account will be completely deleted.

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